How to Fire Yourself First on Capability Amplifier Podcast!
Check out this video and audio Capability Amplifier Podcast I was on recently!
Mike thinks EVERY business owner also wants a self-managing company that can scale to whatever level you dream of that's both lifestyle compatible and saleable someday.
It'd also be nice if it was a really effective ATM!
Mike's guest, Jeff Russell is someone who's done all of the above. He is the creator of Fire Yourself First, and he has a system he's going to share today along with some super valuable tools that you can download and use in your business TODAY. (Tools that Mike loves so much, he passed them on to his team immediately.)
If you want to know the secrets to financial and lifestyle freedom by Firing Yourself First, listen or watch.
Jeff’s life and businesses are by design. He always knew that he wanted to have the freedom of time and money. That’s why he became an entrepreneur in the first place!
Fast forward 10 years into business and he somehow forgot WHY he started it in the first place. It became way too complicated and that’s when he decided to systemize everything.
He didn’t want to be in the day to day operation so he hired a really knowledgeable team, (he works maybe two hours a month) so whether he’s there or not, it's making money.
Jeff runs 3 businesses. A Financial Services business, a Training/Coaching Business and a Medical Clinic business.
As a result, he has a huge library of systems that he’s developed and taught over the years. Today he’s sharing the 3 big ones in super easy downloads.
- Clarity Map: In order to get to your final destination, you and your team need to know what winning looks like. The Clarity Map will get you there faster.
- 11 Step-Hiring Process: The key to a business that runs itself is to have the right people doing the right things. Jeff’s 11-Step Guide will help you to hire the best people EVERY time.
- Dashboards and Scorecards: Track your success. If everyone knows what winning looks like, you can slowly exit yourself from the business, while knowing all is well.
Watch/Listen Now
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